Sohaib Khan

Aspiring to become a full-stack software engineer

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I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin. After graduating, I worked as a LabVIEW Software Engineer at National Instruments (NI) developing software for the Pulsed RF Measurements (PRFM) library improving the production testing process of Power Amplifiers (PAs) and Digital Transmit Recieve Modules (D-TRMs).


Now, I am aiming to become a Full-Stack Software Engineer utilizing modern AI tools such as Cursor and Cloud 3.5 to develop websites and applications efficiently and speeding up the web development process.

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Hardware Purchase Website

This purpose for this website was for hardware users to have a platform where they could check-in and check-out hardware in an efficient and optimal way. This allows hardware users to get the necessary hardware to create their products saving production time.

Plagiarism Catcher

Designed an application in C++ to show the list of all pairs of files in a directory sharing certain word sequences to detect plagiarism effciently. Additionally, I utilized Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles to create different classes for constructing hash table and analyzing word sequences to improve software maintainability.

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